
10 Best AI Sales Tools for 2023

The digital age has ushered in an era of unprecedented growth and competition in the sales industry, with businesses constantly seeking innovative ways to gain an edge over their rivals. In recent years, the emergence of various AI-powered sales tools has revolutionized the way businesses approach sales, making it easier to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and improve sales team productivity. In this article, we explore the top 10 AI sales tools for 2023 that are set to transform the sales landscape.

10 Best AI Sales Tools for 2023

Introduction to AI Sales Tools in 2023

The use of AI in sales is fast becoming a necessity for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. According to recent reports, the global AI in the sales market is projected to reach $16.88 billion by 2025, and this is not surprising, considering the numerous benefits that AI offers. From automating mundane tasks to processing vast amounts of data in real-time, AI sales tools are making it easier for businesses to optimize their sales processes, cut costs, and increase revenue.

One of the most significant benefits of AI sales tools is their ability to automate repetitive tasks that were once time-consuming and tedious for sales reps. With AI, sales reps can now focus on more important tasks such as building relationships with clients and closing deals. AI-powered chatbots, for example, can handle basic customer queries and provide personalized recommendations, freeing up sales reps to focus on more complex tasks.

Another advantage of AI sales tools is their ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time. This means that businesses can now make data-driven decisions faster and more accurately than ever before. AI algorithms can analyze customer data, identify patterns, and provide insights that can help businesses optimize their sales processes. For example, AI-powered sales forecasting tools can predict future sales trends and help businesses make informed decisions about inventory management and resource allocation.

AI sales tools also offer businesses the ability to personalize their sales and marketing efforts. By analyzing customer data, AI algorithms can identify customer preferences and provide personalized recommendations that are tailored to each individual customer. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and increase customer loyalty.

In conclusion, AI sales tools are rapidly transforming the sales landscape, and businesses that fail to adopt them risk falling behind their competitors. By automating mundane tasks, processing vast amounts of data in real-time, and personalizing sales and marketing efforts, AI sales tools are helping businesses optimize their sales processes, cut costs, and increase revenue. As we move into 2023, we can expect to see even more advanced AI sales tools emerge, further revolutionizing the way businesses sell and market their products and services.

The Importance of AI in Sales

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate in the modern world. In the sales industry, AI has become a game-changer due to its ability to collect, analyze, and act on big data in real-time. The insights provided by AI-powered sales tools help businesses to understand their customers better, anticipate their needs, and deliver personalized, tailored solutions that increase customer satisfaction.

AI has become a critical tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge. In this article, we will explore the importance of AI in sales and how it can help businesses streamline their sales processes, enhance customer experience, and boost sales team productivity.

Streamlining the Sales Process

The sales process can be complex and time-consuming, with sales reps having to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. By automating manual tasks such as data entry and lead scoring, AI sales tools free sales reps from mundane, time-consuming activities, allowing them to focus on activities that require human expertise, such as building relationships with clients and closing deals.

Automating these processes not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that data is accurate and up-to-date. This, in turn, helps sales reps to make better-informed decisions, leading to increased sales and revenue for the business.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Providing an excellent customer experience is crucial in today's digital age. Customers expect personalized, tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. AI sales tools help businesses to understand their customers better, engage with them on a more personal level, and offer tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.

With AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, businesses can provide customers with round-the-clock support and advice, building trust, and strengthening relationships. These tools can also help businesses to identify potential issues before they become a problem, allowing them to proactively address customer concerns and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Boosting Sales Team Productivity

AI sales tools help businesses to optimize their sales processes, enabling sales teams to work more efficiently, and thereby boosting productivity. By automating tasks such as lead qualification and prioritization, AI sales tools ensure that sales reps are focusing their time and energy on the most promising leads, increasing the likelihood of closing deals and maximizing profitability.

AI can also provide sales reps with valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor their sales approach accordingly. This, in turn, leads to more successful sales interactions and increased revenue for the business.

In conclusion, AI has become an essential tool for businesses in the sales industry. By streamlining the sales process, enhancing customer experience, and boosting sales team productivity, AI sales tools can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge in today's digital age.

Top 10 AI Sales Tools for 2023

As technology continues to evolve, businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their sales processes and increase revenue. AI-powered sales tools have emerged as a game-changer, helping businesses to analyze vast amounts of data and make informed decisions. Here are the top 10 AI sales tools that businesses should consider for 2023:

  • Writesonic
  • SlidesAI
  • BHuman
  • Warmbox
  • Forethought
  • Phantombuster
  • Apollo AI
  • tl;dv
  • Clearbit

Writesonic - Sales Mailing AI Tool

Writesonic is an AI-powered copywriting tool that employs machine learning to produce high-quality content. Recognizing the significance of crafting captivating and influential content, Writesonic ensures the generation of high-quality output.

Key Features

Writesonic offers a range of features that make copywriting easier and more efficient. These include:

  • Email templates: Customize various email templates like Sales Emails, Cold Emails, Newsletters...
  • Tone of voice: Select the desired tone of voice for your content, be it informative, persuasive, or entertaining. Writesonic allows you to align the tone with your intended communication style.
  • Language support: Writesonic supports multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, and German. You can seamlessly create content in your preferred language, catering to a wider audience.


Writesonic offers different pricing plans to meet various needs and budgets.

With the Premium version:

  • Free Plan: $0 per month for 10,000 words.
  • Pro: $12.67 per month for 100,000 words.
  • Enterprise: Custom packages. You need to contact them.

With the Superior version:

  • Free Plan: $0 per month for 5,000 words.
  • Pro: $12.67 per month for 33,000 words.
  • Enterprise: Custom packages. You need to contact them.

Looking for more Copywriting Tools? Here is our top 10 AI Copywriting Tools in 2023!

SlidesAI - Proposal Deck AI Tool

Experience a revolutionary AI tool, SlidesAI, that revolutionizes the creation of presentation slides, saving you valuable time and effort. Say goodbye to tedious manual work! Just input your text, and within seconds, SlidesAI will generate an outline and content for your slides. Its seamless integration with Google Slides and upcoming support for Microsoft PowerPoint enables you to effortlessly transform any text into professional and engaging slides. Embrace the power of AI to enhance your presentation creation process with SlidesAI.

Key Features

With SlidesAI, creating slides becomes effortless and productive with the following features:

  • Text-to-slides: Convert text into engaging visuals effortlessly.
  • Style options: Enhance the visual impact of your presentation by selecting from a wide range of themes, fonts, color palettes, and layouts. Customize your design to achieve a visually stunning and captivating result.


The pricing plans offered by SlidesAI to match different needs and budgets in slides creation:

  • Basic: €0 per month for 3 presentations.
  • Pro: €11.99 per month for 10 presentations.
  • Premium: €22.60 per month for Unlimited Presentations.

Interested in presentation generators? We have tested dozens of them, here are our top 6!

Warmbox - Email Deliverability Tool

Boost your email deliverability with Warmbox, the innovative tool that automates email sending and engagement. Warmbox interacts with emails from your inbox, mimicking the behavior of ideal leads, and thereby enhancing your email deliverability.

Key Features

  • Add Multiple Inbox
  • Easy setup: Warmbox has a plug & play feature to connect your Inbox provider in seconds.
  • Multiple Warm-up configurations: Warmbox has 3 native warm-up options. You can also custom the way your inbox is warm.


Warmbox provides diverse pricing plans tailored to suit various requirements and budgets:

  • Solo: $19 per month for 1 inbox warm-up and 50 emails per day.
  • Start-up: $79 per month for 3 inbox warm-up and 250 emails per day.
  • Growth: $159 per month for 6 inbox warm-up and 500 emails per day.

BHuman - Video Prospecting AI Tool

With BHuman, you can instantly personalize videos for multiple recipients, ensuring effective delivery through any channel. By recording a template, connecting your data, and generating customized videos, you can create a personalized touch for each recipient, enhancing engagement and connection.

Key Features

  • Easy setup: Record a template, connect your spreadsheet with recipients data, and generate thousands of videos in a click. 
  • Lead Generation personalization at scale: You can create millions on personalized videos in minutes. 


  • Growth: $39 per month for 200 videos.
  • Scale: $99 per month for 1,000 videos.
  • Ultimate: $150 per month for 1,800 videos.

Forethought - Customer Service AI Tool

Forethought offers a unified AI platform that optimizes the entire lifecycle of support tickets, streamlining the process seamlessly. From ticket creation to resolution, Forethought provides efficient ticket management, empowering support teams to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Key Features

Experience a seamless support ticket management process with Forethought, an all-in-one generative AI platform:

  • Automation: Automate responses to common questions across all channels using generative AI.
  • Intent Analysis: Enhance cases instantly with sentiment and intent analysis, enabling prioritization and routing based on urgency.
  • Optimize Agents Onboarding: Leverage the power of generative AI, powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on your data, to accelerate agent onboarding and equip them with relevant knowledge and suggested responses.
  • ROI Focus: Use generative AI to provide workflow recommendations, track performance and ROI, and achieve faster resolution times and cost reduction instantly.


You need to contact Forethought Team for pricing.

Phantombuster - Sales Automation AI Tool

Phantombuster simplifies online tasks by automating actions, extracting data, and optimizing various online activities. Effortlessly automate repetitive tasks, gather valuable information, and streamline your online workflows using Phantombuster's AI-powered automation capabilities.

Key Features

  • Extract list of leads: Phantombuster will help you extract leads from all the major social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter...)
  • Enrich Data & Emails
  • Send Outreach Campaigns: Automate your outreach campaigns at scale.


  • Free Trial: 14 days of trial for 2 hours of execution time and 5 slots. 
  • Starter: $56 per month for 20 hours of execution time and 5 slots. 
  • Pro: $128 per month for 80 hours of execution time and 15 slots. 
  • Team: $352 per month for 300 hours of execution time and 50 slots. 

Apollo AI - Sales Engagement AI Tool

Apollo AI revolutionizes customer engagement and sales by providing valuable insights and automating tasks to drive business growth. With Apollo AI's AI-powered strategies, businesses can enhance customer interactions, optimize sales processes, and unlock new opportunities for success.

Key Features

  • Hyper-personalization: Generate hyper-personalized emails with zero typing
  • Automated follow-ups: Increase the conversion of responses into meetings by utilizing AI-generated follow-up emails that align with the sentiment of each individual response.
  • Sales Plays: Effortlessly generate automated go-to-market plays tailored to your prospect's specific requirements within minutes.


  • Free: $0 per month for Unlimited Email Credits, 5 Mobile Credits and 10 Export Credits.
  • Basic: $49 per month for Unlimited Email Credits, 25 Mobile Credits and 250 Export Credits.
  • Professional: $99 per month for Unlimited Email Credits, 100 Mobile Credits and 1,000 Export Credits.
  • Organization: $79 per month for Unlimited Email Credits, 125 Mobile Credits and 2,000 Export Credits. Require minimum 5 users.

tl;dv - Meeting Notes Recorder

tl;dv meeting recorder allows you to effortlessly transcribe and summarize your calls with customers, prospects, and team members. By utilizing this AI-driven tool, you can capture important details and insights from your conversations, improving collaboration, and fostering effective communication.

Key Features

  • Automatic Meeting Transcriber: Record your meetings for free using tl;dv Zoom app or Google Meet Chrome Extension. Capture high-quality video and audio, and access them instantly in your meetings library. Simplify call sharing with our convenient meeting recorder.
  • Meeting Analysis: Instantly receive accurate meeting transcripts with speaker detection.
  • Create Clips: Create clips from longer calls in just a couple of clicks!
  • Integrations: Sync with Notion, Google Docs, Slack, Salesforce or HubSpot.


  • Free: Unlimited Recordings
  • Pro: $20 per month per user for Unlimited Recordings + Transcripts and Recordings Downloads + Salesforce and Hubspot integration. - Sales Coaching Tool

Optimize your sales meetings with Gain valuable insights, identify areas of improvement, and chart a path to success by harnessing AI capabilities. With, you can enhance your sales strategies, improve decision-making, and drive better results for your sales meetings.

Key Features

  • Transcripts and Summary: Key takeaways, summaries and todos are automatically generated after meetings. 
  • Feedbacks: Receive personalized feedbacks on your communication after each meeting.
  • Integrations with your other tools.


Pricing on demand.

Clearbit - Data Insights Tool

Clearbit supercharges data enrichment and lead generation by providing access to accurate and comprehensive information. With Clearbit's robust data solutions, businesses can make data-driven decisions, refine their marketing strategies, and generate high-quality leads for sustained growth and success.

Key Features

Clearbit is your future favorite go-to-market platform. 

  • Create Intent: Ad targeting, Conversion Tracking.
  • Capture Intent: Form Optimization, Intent-based outreach, Advanced Personalization.
  • Convert Pipeline: Data Enrichment, Lead Scoring and routine.

The emergence of AI-powered sales tools has transformed the sales landscape, offering businesses unparalleled opportunities to optimize their sales processes, enhance customer experience, and increase revenue. By leveraging the power of AI, businesses can gain a competitive edge over their rivals and position themselves for success in the digital age.

Written by Thomas. Co-founder of AI Stash and AI lover.